- 9h00 Accueil
- 9h30 Présentation GDR MHyIA - Isabelle Bloch
- 10-10h30 pause café
- 10h-11h Knowledge Graphs for Semantic Reprsentation of Data and Knowledge and Beyond. - Fatiha Sais
- 11h-12h Knowledge graphs: construction, matching, and applications - Pierre Monnin
- 12h15-13h45 pause déjeuner
- 14h00-15:00 Max-min Learning of Approximate Weight Matrices from Fuzzy Data - Ismail Baaj
- 15h00 - 15h30 pause
- 15h30 - 17h30 discussion
- 9h00 Accueil
- 9h15-10h00 Language models and commonsense reasoning : Zied Bouraoui
- 10h00-10h30 pause café
- 10h30-11h30 Fondamentaux du raisonnement non monotone : Ramón Pino Pérez
- 11h30-12h30 discussion
- 12h30-14h00 pause déjeuner
- 14h15-15:00 Planification in Natural Langage : Fred Maris
- 15h00 - 15h30 pause
- 15h30 - 17h30 discussion